Elizabeth Babbage

Elizabeth Babbage (later Elizabeth Saturley) was the youngest of the six known children of John Babbage and his wife Ann Norman of Holcombe Rogus, Devon, England.

Elizabeth married John Saturley - a Woolcomber, later a Woolsorter - of Wellington, Somerset, England - a job he held for about 40 years. He was most likely employed by Fox Brothers & Co., a mill that continues to produce luxury cloth today.

Together they settled down to raise a family of eight children - six sons and two daughters (although their second daughter died in infancy).

Elizabeth appears to have pre-deceased her husband by about three years.

Life Events


  • circa 1829 at Holcombe Rogus, Devon, England.


  • 22nd November 1829 at All Saint's Church, Holcombe Rogus, Devon, England.


  • John Saturley (1816-1875) on 15th October 1852 at St. John's Church, Wellington, Somerset, England.


  • John Babbage Saturley (1856-1917) married Helen Frances Snell (1856-?)
  • Emily Sophia Saturley (1858-1901)
  • Julia Saturley (1860-1862)
  • Charles Henry Saturley (1863-1922)
  • Albert William Saturley (1865-1931) married Jane Radford (18??-?)
  • Frederick Saturley (1868-1938)
  • Edwin Saturley (1871-1919)
  • Mark Wilson Saturley (1876-1951)

Census and Residence

  • 1841: 11yrs, Mantle Street, Wellington, Somerset, England.
  • 1851: 19yrs, North Street, Wellington, Somerset, England.
  • 1861: 30yrs, North Street, Wellington, Somerset, England.
  • 1871: 40yrs, North Street, Wellington, Somerset, England.
  • 1881: 50yrs, Springfield, Wellington, Somerset, England.
  • 1891: 61yrs, Springfield, Wellington, Somerset, England.


  • 1851: Work to the factory
  • 1852: Woolsorter


  • During 1894 at Wellington, Somerset, England, aged 64 years.


  • Location not yet known.



  • Not yet known
  • Not yet known
  • Christopher Norman (17??-?)
  • Susannah Cross (17??-?)

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